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How We Met







You're not gonna believe this...

John and JacquieJacquie and John met each other the same way you're reading about our wedding -- through the Internet! That's right. Once upon a time there were two lonely people. Neither was that lonely each having relatively busy lives, but they were both looking for a special person to have a relationship with. Since they didn't care for the 'bar scene' and some of the other 'traditional' ways to meet people, they checked into what was available on the Web.

John had spent a little more time at it, and searched out several sites for meeting people. Then he narrowed down to the ones that had meaningfully large databases of people in and around Sacramento

Meanwhile, Jacquie had come across a site called One and Only. You can list your profile for free, so on a whim, Jacquie tossed one off for them It started off with "Amazing Amazon woman (just really tall!) on the prowl." It went on to say how she had bulldogs instead of children, and nieces and nephews around if she wanted to play with the real thing.

This was one of the ads John responded to. The membership fee was the best $15 a month he ever spent. They struck up an e-mail correspondence.

Jacquie had just had a surgery and was stuck in bed for a week or more. John offered to put some pictures on his web site for her, just name a country. That's how his Soviet Union page was created.

Several phone calls led to a first date, on February 13, 1999. Bad luck? Well, they didn't want to jinx themselves by having a first date on Valentines day. There was some confusion at first when John was greeted by Jacquie, Jaimie, and Lynn Vaughn at her house, and he wasn't sure which one was Jacquie! Sure enough, she was the prettiest one; the one who'd answered the door. They went for dinner at the Olive Garden.

The rest is (still happening) history!



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