John's Online Photo Albums |
In the links below, the albums are listed in chronological order, with the most recent at the top. At the top of each year there are some "catch-all" albums for Family and Friends, Dogs, miscellaneous rides and a few others. Friends & Family is the catch-all of the catch-alls; if it doesn't fit the other categories, find it there. The lists below, other than "All", are all filtered versions of the main list. In other words, everything is in the All Albums list; the others make it a little easier to search by topic. You can order downloads, photo products or prints up to 30" x 40" in various finishes, or even on metal. Please note, all images are copyright John Foss (and occasionally others); not to be reproduced or published without express permission from me or the other copyright owners.
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Legal stuff. Copyright © 2012, John Foss |